Showing posts from May, 2016
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"The Southeast Connector"
Michael Webb
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Written: April 22, 2015 Last summer I watched as the construction crews built the Southeast Connector at the Gre…
"Power of Attention"
Michael Webb
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Written: May 22, 2015 Have you ever unknowingly cut yourself and didn't know it until you saw the blood? On…
"Do you think I'm crazy?"
Michael Webb
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Written: April 24, 2015 Have you read some of my previous posts? If so, then you may or may not have decided th…
"Pyramid of Authority"
Michael Webb
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Written: March 27 . 2015 I had an experience today at work that made me realize how important the pyramid stru…