Posted: April 20, 2018 - I recently was watching an Adobe tutorial video about their new software application named FX. In this video they showed an image on the screen that I thought to be very interesting and possibly useful. It is concerning using the scientific methodology in the creation of FX productions. At 17:46 is the precise time in the video that I am speaking about.
Posted: December 24, 2018 - I watch a very interesting YouTuber named Doreen Dotan. Her YouTube channel is named: Doreen Dotan. She is Jewish, and she lives in Tsfat, Israel. She teaches the public about her Jewish beliefs and also shares knowledge about many other subjects, such as the Hebrew language, Geomatria, and also translates between Hebrew and English languages. She is a very devout Jew, and has a very big heart for mankind as a whole. Her wisdoms concerning Judaism, Geomatria, and even the Christian beliefs, are very enlightening. Below is one of her videos from her channel. I wanted to share it because I feel that her wisdom and knowledge of her God is very revealing and enlightening when compared to todays Christian God. Watch this clip and I hope it causes you to see deeper into the religious spectrum.
Posted: January 18, 2019 - I found this video on YouTube to be very interesting, and very well done. The creators of this animated video must have put allot of thought and work into this video. The storyline reveals the folly in religious beliefs, and how masses will follow one man to their destruction simply due to the beliefs, fears, and superstions created by religion, and human ignorance.
Posted: February 16, 2020 - This mind bending video (below). Clearly explains the skeptical views of the existance of the Jesus Christ mentioned in the Christian Bible.
The video is titled: Why Invent the Jesus? - Richard Carrier Ph.D.
Published: August 30, 2017
On YouTube Channel: HAM - Humanists, Atheists, and Agnostics of Manitoba
Posted: February 16, 2020 - This video is of a very intelligent atheist explaining the corrupted views of common Christians of today.
Video title: The Most Wrong They Can Be
Published: September 7, 2018
YouTube channel: DarkAntics
Posted: September 12, 2021
Video Title: Kabbalah Rabbis Reveal Shocking Holocaust Secrets | Know More News Documentary
Published: September 8, 2021
Bitchute Channel: Know More News with Adam Green
Posted: March 27, 2024
Video Title: Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada
Published: Feb 6, 2015
YouTube Channel: TEDx Talks
Video Title: ASTRO-THEOLOGY 101: Christianity and the Astrological Nature of Jesus Christ!
Published: May 30, 2015
YouTube channel: ᘕUN Of ᘕATURN