Written: March 27. 2015
I had an experience today at work that made me realize how important the pyramid structure of authority is in all of our lives. Especially here in the United States where there are very many laws designed to keep order, as opposed to chaos.
A co-worker of mine had become perturbed at the man in charge known as our supervisor.
This co-worker of mine secretly accused the supervisor of being lazy, talking too much, and taking excessively long breaks, and lunches.
Me being a coward and an idiot, agreed with him. But I knew I was doing wrong. I respect the person in charge, and I know why that person is in his position of authority. Knowing that without a leader we are no longer a team.
Anyway time went by and I felt very guilty for adding fuel to the fire, so to speak. I should have devised a way to calm my co-worker down and open his eyes that were blinded with emotions of anger. But instead I agreed with him.
I had been dwelling on the idea of confession to my supervisor all day long. Then finally at the end of the day, an opportunity arrived when both of us were alone together.
Then I spilled my guts on the issues.
My supervisor said that he didn’t have a clue as to what was going on behind his back. He then accused my co-worker of being disobedient to his orders.
Then I added that I was just as guilty as my co-worker because I agreed with the words that my co-worker relayed to me concerning laziness, and talking too much. But I forgot to mention the excessive break times, and lunch times.
So at the very end of the day all three of us were briefly talking about the issues at hand. But time ran out and we had to punch out and go home.
But before we left, we agreed to have a discussion about our issues with one another the next morning.
The reason I confessed to my supervisor, was because it was my way of opening a discussion about the matters at hand. My motives were to try to save us as a team, without laying blame on anybody, even though the co-worker and I were in the wrong, in my opinion.
We were heading towards self destruction.
I realize that in the work environment that we operate under a type of Dictatorship rule, as I assume most work environments do. You as a worker are supposed to do as you are told without retaliation against the person holding authority.
If you don’t agree with your supervisor, then there is the door! Go find another job.
My advice; let your supervisor know what is on your mind. Good communication is key in a work environment. And timing is key also. When the situation arises, it needs to be dealt with immediately. Otherwise it can cause undesired stress on everyone, even those who weren’t involved in the issues.
Now I realize how important our pyramid-like system is for every one of us all. It is through this system of laws and order that we as a people are able to enjoy our lives without the need to kill one another for a loaf of bread.
I am glad that I broke the ice and started a discussion before things got much worse.
Michael Webb
Hello! My name is Michael Webb. I am a lifelong resident of Reno, Nevada. I'm a career warehouseman. As of 2023 I am 56 years old. On my free time I enjoy photography, videography, writing, drawing on paper, digital artwork using Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, and listening to social media, and leaving my own comments. I've never been in the higher educational system. Simply because the web has the know how for anyone interested in learning something new. All you have to do is study the available resources.You may like these posts