This page is devoted to digital artwork that I have created.

Created: March 2020 Application: Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator
Artist: Michael Webb
Note: This drawing was originally drawn on paper with an ink pen

Created: March 2020 Application: Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator
Artist: Michael Webb
Note: This drawing was originally drawn on paper with an ink pen

Created: 2019 Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb
Note: This idea was originally drawn on paper with an ink pen

Created: December 25 2019,
Applications: Adobe Photoshop CC & Adobe Illustrator CC
Artist: Michael Webb
Note: This idea was originally drawn on paper with an ink pen

Created: March 2018, Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

Created: March 2018, Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

Created: March 2018, Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

I was inspired to create these three images (above) because of my vague knowledge of the Jewish Kabballah and the Hebrew Alphabet. I find it interesting how the Freemasons have used Language the Alphabet, and Mathematics to empower themselves with higher knowledge. Or what I assume they believe is higher knowledge. I am baffled with the entire storyline surrounding Sacred Geometry and the Kabbalistic Knowledge. Christians of today see anything that is secular to be of Satan or bad/evil/sinful. Yet Christians have began creating their own Christian Rock music, Christian Rap music, and Christian R&B music. So it's secular music with Christian words. Is that truly Christian? And it is a fact that their Holy Bible has been morphing as time passes and the generations are exposed to new knowledge of mankind's reality on earth. First was the KJV bible, then the NIV, and NKJV. This is a big red flag to me that the Holy Bible is not truly inspired by a true GOD in heaven. The book was inspired by men, written by men, and is filled with doublespeak. It is a mystery, and I believe a conspiracy that the US Government does not tax the churches. Meaning; they're in cahoots. The government needs the church "buffer" to help keep the masses in order. The church is a mechanism guiding the people (children) in a path. So my reality is. If there really is no GOD. Then what is GOD? Is GOD the US Government, or something bigger? I assume that is the reality.

Created: May 2012, Application: Microsoft Office Publisher
Artist: Michael Webb

Created: July 2017, Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

Created: April 2018, Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb
I was inspired to create this image (above) after reading a Greek Mythology story that came from the book named Metamorphoses. The storyline is about a mortal competing with a god, and loosing of course. And is cursed by the god to be changed into a spider. Here is the link to the story: [link]. Also another mystery inspired me to create this piece of digital art. It is a brick monument that I assume was created by the Freemasons. On the brick monument there is a circular logo image of an owl, and a message escribed upon the logo. It reads "weaving spiders come not here." It is my assumption that this logo is symbolical of a warning or statement that the land behind the logo is owned by the gods, therefore mere mortals are not allowed or welcome to pass the entry way of Bohemian Grove where this monument resides. There are many other interpretations about the inscribed message. The message actually comes from a William Shakespeare play called A Midsummer Night's Dream [Act 2, Scene 2].

Created: June 2018, Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

Created: June 2018, Application: Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

The two images above are the front side and back side of a business card that I designed for the local business owners Katie and James. They are both very positive and open minded owners of a new successful business. *Note: "I did not design the compass. It was designed by the business owners partner."

Created: July 2018, Application Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

Above is a newly designed business card that I have been designing. It isn't perfected yet.

Created: July 2018, Application Adobe Photoshop CC
Artist: Michael Webb

Above began with a simple drawing on paper. Still learning.

  Title: Pillar Of The Sun
Created: September 3rd. 2023
App Used: Adobe Photoshop CC
   Artist: Michael Webb