This year (2020) I came across a term that I had never heard of before. The term was "The Metonic Cycle." I was researching information concerning earth's moon. My motivations concerning my research surround the beliefs of spiritual powers, and the physical influences believed to be caused by ritualistic practices used in religious belief systems. Also more commonly called Witchcraft. Religions attribute spiritual powers and influences manifesting upon the physical earthly realm to our moon.
It is common factual knowledge that the movement of moon influences the tides of our oceans worldwide.
And it is common practice throughout generations of peoples for thousands of years that the moon is also used as a calendar to measure and record time. There are many different calendars that men have created, with the goal of creating a perfectly accurate calendar. They have used the sun, known as the solar calendar. They have used the moon, known as the lunar calendar. Today the most common calendar is the Gregorian calendar, which is a calendar ruled by Earth's star, the Sun. But there exists calendars that are more accurate than the Gregorian calendar. They are known as lunisolar calendars. Here are some common names of some popular lunisolar calendars.
There are many more lunisolar calendars that should be added to this list. But for the sake of this article and discussion, I have omitted them from the list. Lunisolar simply means a calendar that's accuracy is ruled by Earth's Moon and Earth's Sun. Calculations of the movement of the moon and the movement of earth circling the sun are a part of the design of the lunisolar calendars.
Many people in this day and age accuse the ultra-rich echelon (millionaires & billionaires) of being a part of a religion that worships Satan, Lucifer, and/or the devil. And it is also a common belief amongst the general public that the ultra-rich echelon is causing worldwide tragedies through the practices of their religion. Which is called many names for example: Kabbalah, Satanism, Witchcraft, Devil Worship, Wicca, Voodoo, and Black Magic. Most of the general public seems to hold on to these negative views of the rich simply because they are also believers in the commonly known biblical storyline that quotes that Satan is the prince of this world. This also suggests that a large portion of the general public are believers in a Spiritual Deity and/or Spirituality.
It has been a personal suspicion of mine, that if these accusations are
true. That more than likely there may be a pattern unfolding of the
tragic events invoked upon the world. A pattern that may reflect the
events of their religious sorceries.
A Metonic cycle is a lunar cycle that occurs in 19 solar year intervals.
For example, at the beginning of a Metonic cycle the moon will be at a certain position in the sky, and in a certain lunar phase such as a waxing quarter moon, and during a certain earth season such as spring. From that point on, it will take 19 solar years for the moon to assume that precise position again in the sky, in the waxing quarter moon phase, during the season of spring.” That was just a sample explanation of my understanding of a Metonic cycle. It is a complex subject and difficult for me to fully understand with any accuracy, and is therefore also difficult to explain.
I still don’t know how it is discerned when a Metonic cycle begins.
Searching the web, I found one website that explains allot about this Metonic cycle. And it even has a spreadsheet that shows the start and finish line of the 19 year intervals. I really don’t know how accurate this spreadsheet is. But I used it for my reference to create my tragic events timeline, which is as follows:
2020 = Coronavirus Pandemic
2001 = Attack on the WTC, 9-11
1982 = Israel invades Lebanon with 30,000 troops & The Chicago Tylenol murders
1963 = JFK Assassination
**All of these events occurred 19 solar years apart from each other. Coincidence?
Below is a window to the Christian website that posted the Metonic cycle spreadsheet.
***Update on this subject of the Metonic Cycle: 02/17/2024...
I've come across a pdf file that explains more in depth of the subject of the Metonic Cycle. There was no author so I cannot give credit to anyone. And I don't remember the website that I acquired this file. I converted it to HTML and placed it below... enjoy!
The METONIC CYCLE is the Moon’s 19 year cycle where the Moon returns to exactly the same place (at the same longitude and against the same constellation) in the sky with the same phase.
An ordinary calendar is a solar (Sun) calendar. It keeps the dates in sync with the Sun. For instance, the Sun is at its highest point as we view it around the 21st of June - the summer solstice. The solar cycle (a year) takes 365 and a quarter days to complete. Every four years is a leap year when an extra day is added to the year.
This accounts for the quarter day and keeps the date nearly in sync with the seasons. The cycle is not quite 365 and a quarter days. The error is 3 days in 400 years.
A lunar (Moon) calendar keeps the lunar dates in sync with the Moon. For example, the 1st of the month could be on the new Moon. Then the 8th of the month would fall at the waxing half Moon. The dates vary for different types of lunar calendars, Muslim, Chinese, Buddhist, Jewish etc. Some have the 1st on the full Moon. However, ALL follow the Metonic Cycle which keeps the lunar dates in sync with the Moon.
Tropical Lunar Month
The Moon returns to the same spot in the sky (against the backdrop of the same constellation) every 27.322 days which is called the Tropical Lunar month. However, the Moon’s phase is not the same for two days.
Synodic Lunar Month.
The Moon returns to the same phase every 29.5306 days and is called the Synodic Lunar month.There are 12 synodic months and 13 tropical months (returns) in one year. See diagram showing how the Metonic Cycle is calculated:
Metonic Intervals | Synodic Month (SM) | Synodic Month (SM) | Tropical Month (TM) | |
I | 12 synodic months | ends 11 days before | 1 tropical year | 13 tropical months (returns) |
II | LLY 25 synodic months | ends 8 days after | 2 tropical year | 27 tropical months (returns) |
III | 37 synodic months | ends 3 days before | 3 tropical year | 40 tropical months (returns) |
IV | 49 synodic months | ends 14 days before | 4 tropical year | 53 tropical months (returns) |
V | LLY 62 synodic months | ends 5 days after | 5 tropical year | 67 tropical months (returns) |
VI | 74 synodic months | ends 6 days before | 6 tropical year | 80 tropical months (returns) |
VII | LLY 87 synodic months | ends 13 days after | 7 tropical year | 94 tropical months (returns) |
VIII | 99 synodic months | ends 2 days after | 8 tropical year | 107 tropical months (returns) |
III+VIII=XI | 37+99= | 3 days before + 2 days after = | 3+8= | 40+107= |
XI | 136 synodic months | ends about 1+ day before | 11 tropical years | 147 tropical months (returns) |
VIII+XI=XIX | 99+136= | 2 days after + 1+ days before | 8+11= | 107+147= |
XIX | 235 synodic months | SAME TIME | 19 tropical years | 254 tropical months (returns) |
Therefore, it takes 19 years (or 6939 days) for the Moon to return to the same spot in the sky at same phase. This can be seen as:
19 tropical years - 365.24 days x 19 = 6939.56 days
235 synodic months - 29.5306 days x 235 = 6939.691 days
254 tropical months - 27.322 days x 254 = 6939.788 days Lunar Leap Year (LLY)
To keep the Moon’s cycles as close to the Sun’s cycle, an extra synodic month and an extra tropical month are added. So instead of 12 synodic months and 13 tropical months in a year, it is 13 synodic months and 14 tropical months.TY = TM - SM
Tropical year = tropical month MINUS synodic month. To calculate large numbers of cycles, metonic inter- vals can be added (eg. III + VIII = XI)