Yesterday when I was working another hard day at the warehouse. I took a fifteen minute break in my car. While enjoying some food and drink I turned on the radio to hear what shows were talking about on NPR (National Public Radio) radio.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I was listening to the Here & Now show co-hosted by Robin Young. Robin was interviewing a Journalist and Author named Katherine Stewart about her latest book titled: The Power Worshipers.
It seems there is this large group of deeply religious Christians in America called Christian Nationalists.
Their beliefs are ass-backwards in my meager opinion. For example they believe that slavery is a God given right. Slavery?!
- Hmm- maybe they would like to become slaves.
- Or maybe they believe they already are slaves.
Anyway don't believe a word of what I have to say on the subject. Hear if from the horse's mouth for yourself.
Below is a link to the Podcast. Check it out!!
Published Date: March 05, 2020
By: Robin Young