Yesterday when I was working another hard day at the warehouse. I took a fifteen minute break in my car. While enjoying some food and drink I turned on the radio to hear what shows were talking about on NPR (National Public Radio) radio.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I was listening to the Here & Now show co-hosted by Robin Young. Robin was interviewing a Journalist and Author named Katherine Stewart about her latest book titled: The Power Worshipers.

It seems there is this large group of deeply religious Christians in America called Christian Nationalists.

Their beliefs are ass-backwards in my meager opinion. For example they believe that slavery is a God given right. Slavery?!

  1. Hmm- maybe they would like to become slaves.
  2. Or maybe they believe they already are slaves. 
I can relate to that second idea. But I don't think that is what their mindset is concerning the subject of slavery. In my experiences with Christianity the word slave or slavery basically translates to servant, or servanthood. That is what I was taught in Christianity. I could be wrong, I often am. Although Christianity often seems to create two different meanings for such words. This is the double-speak that I've experienced within that book... The Holy Bible. Taking an extreme word and reducing it to an un-extreme definition. Why? Why the double speak? Is it to save their ass from today's mindset of common sense judgements? Meaning: Americans of today (year-2020) look severely down upon Slavery. And that anyone who practices slavery is considered to be purely evil and/or criminal. Criminal in the sense of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust. Interesting thoughts to ponder on.

Anyway don't believe a word of what I have to say on the subject. Hear if from the horse's mouth for yourself.

Below is a link to the Podcast. Check it out!!

Published Date: March 05, 2020
By: Robin Young