Well I know this is kind of a strange assumption. It is concerning President Donald Trump's government shutdown. I have been telling everybody that I assume that the shutdown is going to last for 32 or 33 days. Then I say it is because, it is "The Mark of the Mason." Meaning Freemason of course. I have heard through YouTube videos and other heresay sources that President Donald Trump is a Freemason. So I decided to see if my guess will be correct. Time will tell, it always reveals secrets that you never knew existed. But you have to pay close attention to details.

[Update Published: January 18, 2020]

Concerning my guess of a 32 or 33 day government shutdown. I was incorrect. The government shutdown lasted 35 days. So maybe President Trump is a 35th. degree Freemason. I've heard that there are more than 33 degrees in Freemasonry. Here is a Wikipedial link to the storyline of the 35 day Government shutdown. [link]

[Update Published: July 12, 2020]
I did a little investigation of my own on the YouTube video that touted that President Trump was admitting to being a Mason. Well I found out that it was completely inaccurate. Here is a link to the actual YouTube video [link]. So I found the same interview of another news station that was recording the interview. And in this different recording you can clearly hear the true words that came from President Trump's mouth. Here is the link to this alternate video [link]. Go to the 8 minute 4 second mark timeline in the video to hear President Trump's true words. The words that come out of the president’s mouth are not "I'm a Mason." But rather "That's actually amazing". I apologize to anyone who was clearly miss-informed by my article. I jumped the gun on this one, and should have looked deeper into the storyline.

My opinion on the shutdown, is that our entire government is attempting to stress the people out to the point of a civil war. I have noticed many signs since my eyes were opened on September 11, 2001.

The US Government has all of us little sheep corralled, and is going to milk every dime out of it's citizens, to fulfill their Zionist World Wide Agenda -aka- New World Zionist Order. The Zionist Israeli Jewish State is going to be the capstone on the Pyramid of the World. Israel is gearing up to build their new third temple. Then the shit will more than likely hit the fan.

Here is more information that I acquired via the web. This story is concerning the Nazis when they were exterminating the Jews. Rich Jews were murdered and Nazis stole their identity and wealth, and eventually moved to the USA or other major countries. These Nazis pose as Jews with the name, family history, and the whole nine yards. When in reality, they are surviving Nazis, spreading their influnces, and agenda.

And for all fairness concerning Jews. I would like to add, that just because a Jew is a Jew. It doesn't mean they are all Zionists. Simply put, Jews are just as devided politically as average Americans. Jews as a whole people, do not share the same views. There are even Americans that are Zionists, but are not Jews. If you don't know what Zionism is here is a Wikipedia link to enlighten you: [link].