Thinking to myself about man's accomplishments positive and negative in this world. And realizing in the equation that I have only been alive a short while when comparing historical events. I realized that in my own sub consciousness resides the goal and desire to be eternal, or to be remembered by the living. In any way possible. Weather it be by leaving a web blog, pictures, or written articles behind once I have passed away to dust. I believe this is the subconscious goal of every man, woman, and child on this planet. I have read articles on the web that explained that it is written in our genes to extend our existence through the act of reproduction.
I have also realized from my mere perspective as a lowly citizen of the United States of America. That mankind as a whole has always been dealing with the very troublesome thing known as death. Just the thought of such an event brings fear into the masses. That fear has been used to the advantage of many very wealthy mere mortal individuals on planet earth. Remember the inquisitions?
Throughout the ages man has fought against death. Tried to outsmart death, or cheat death. Now these days with the massive amounts of knowledge acquired by bio-chemists and the studies on DNA. And especially since the recent studies about bacteria. A massive extension of human life might be possible very soon. There have been studies about bacteria that are leading to discoveries that certain bacteria are miracle healers to the human body. I heard an interview on this subject on an NPR radio broadcast a couple weeks ago. Here is the link to NPR's radio interview.

Taking these two thoughts:
  1. The desire to live forever through any means.
  2. The goal to overcome death through the use of many years of proven studies and recorded knowledge.
Then comparing these thoughts to the myth of the Holy Bible that has been fed to the masses on a massive scale, and sold as truth. This caused me to realize that it has always been the goal of the elite rulers to find the keys of eternal life. It worries me that if, and when, they do discover these keys. What will become of us little monkeys? I imagine the worst. You see, in my own personal reality I refuse to believe that there is a true and real God that cares for mankind as a whole. But I do believe in the alternate reality that there are men ruling this world with the goals to become Gods. In other words to overcome death, and acquire the ability to live an unpredictable amount of time. With this goal being met through time. I imagine it must be almost unbelievable the amount of knowledge these Gods could acquire. Especially since this age is the age of information.
I believe it was the same goal of the ancient peoples to be remembered through their monuments, myths, stories, songs, language, and even the names of the days of the week, and of the months. I'm speaking of mainly all of the large highly developed societies of the past. Such as the Egyptians, Europeans, Chinese, Africans, and Americans. These societies have left behind a long record of acquired knowledge. And for the record, I am not a highly educated Historian. I basically failed History in High School, and loathed the subject as a whole. But that was then, this is now.
Looking at the history of the God of the Bible. It is very clear that this God is a selfish, brutal, unmerciful entity. In fact it has the personality of a man. And that is exactly what I believe it is. Just a man, a mere mortal man, attempting to be a God.
In my imagination of what a true God would be, is a being that is far above the powers of death, good, evil, and definitely time. My God would never have to achieve the task of "as Christians say" stealing the keys of Death and hell from the Devil. A real God has no obstacles whatsoever. So, since there is no such thing as a true God. Our rulers and their families. You know the cold blooded over educated people? They decided to give us little monkeys something to believe in, something that will make us predictable, and obedient, and good in their eyes. Something that works in their favor. A false image of a God with the personality of themselves. A selfish, demanding, egotistical, freak of nature.
Now don't get me wrong. I fully understand that none of my words matter at all. Meaning: "they hold no weight." Especially if you are a Christian believer reading my words. Because believers are deceived through and through. They will deny anything and everything that appears to stand in the way of their belief. Why? Because it is what they are taught from the very beginning of their system of belief. They are taught that there is a God that loves them and desires to protect them, and a Devil that hates them and desires to destroy them. Wow! That is allot for a young child to consume. Talk about fear mongered programming! Christianity is at the top of my list when it comes to creating fear of superstitious crap! Aka: fearmongering! That kind of programming creates a subconscious fear of the Devil. Yes you will hear Christians talk allot of smack about the Devil. But it would be a different story if they actually witnessed something supernatural that they perceived and believed to be the Devil. They would more than likely run their ass off!
I heard this saying; "If you ever want to test your Church congregation's faith, have a convincing group of death threatening military armed terrorists enter the Church, then see who runs."

I watched this video on YouTube that was very revealing to me the mental views of the masses of the world perceived from the Catholic elite. The name of the video is: "The Grand Inquisitor" with actor John Gielgud. I did a little research on the storyline. And found this on Wikipedia: "The Grand Inquisitor" is a poem in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov (1879–1880).

I also found the video at the website: [link]

Anyway check out this YouTube video. It is very interesting. When the inquisitor mentions the three unique forces used to conquer the conscience of rebellious mankind. The most important part of this video starts at the 13:00 minute mark.