I believe in the scientific method to finding answers to questions. But I am not a scientist, and therefore can't, and don't practice it. So truthful answers to my questions are probably very uncommon. There is a rhyme or reason for everything though, so it seems.
The questions I am asking myself is the same old questions the average citizen probably wonders about often. For example:
- Is the news media outlets lying to the public always, or just part of the time?
- Is the US Government lying to the public always, or just part of the time?
- Is this world black and white, or mostly gray?
It is really frustrating to watch the news media interview a very important, privileged, and powerful person such as the President of the United States. And ask a simple yes or no answerable question. And in return get a rhetorical answer. Which isn't an answer. It is another form of stonewalling, in my opinion.
I think it is a big red flag when a political leader answers questions rhetorically. In my opinion they might as well have said blatantly "I am not telling you the answer to the question, but instead I am going to feed you a line of bullshit."
Witnessing these rhetorical answers to simple questions makes me feel that I should have gone to college. And it makes me realize that they are hiding something from the public for good reasons, or not so good reasons.
I try not to be so biased against authority. But when you begin witnessing that the upper governmental law makers are abusing their authority for their own gain. Then they have been caught crossing the line. And they should be removed permanently. But you never see that happen. This is a sign that the entire system is corrupted throughout.
One way to come to a personal conclusion is to look at who is gaining, or benefiting from the situation at hand. For example, where is the money going? But money trails are almost impossible to follow. Unless you know where to look.
Then there is the option to assume. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid. And most of the time it is very inaccurate. On the other hand, doesn't mathematics have an option called imaginary numbers? I heard about this on YouTube somewhere. Wouldn't this mathematical option be considered to be the same as an assumption? Meaning to assume, carries some weight. Maybe an assumption can be considered to be the gut feeling, or instinct of our awareness. I recently came across a YouTube video that teaches about how the Bayesian Inference works. It is an interesting watch.
So, I was thinking about the Federal Reserve Banking system. And I began to write my thoughts on paper.
If the fed banks can make money from thin air. Then I have to believe that the upper echelon have no need for money, cash, or currency. They simply are disconnected "exalted" above the monetary system. Money has been designed for those below the capstone of the pyramid. They oversee and manage the system. They have no need for cash, money, or currency. Their name alone is their power of permission to acquire products. Because they own everything. Money is only used amongst the middle and lower class citizens. Why? First of all: cash is absolutely worthless. Second: "Let the goyim rule themselves!" All of the US government is the middle class, excluding the elite. The elite aren't even Americans. Since the power related to their bloodline and name reach worldwide.September 14th. 2018
The US dollar is a tool. Not a currency! It is their tool to keep us little workers under control. In fact I would have to say that they have gone as far as to teach us to control and rule ourselves, therefore relieving them of the concerns and responsibilities. We the people are very predictable.
I was driving home from work and turned on the radio to 780AM. The Jon Sanchez show was on. Jon was talking about the future market predictions being predicted to fail in the year 2020. Here is a link to the recorded broadcast. I have lately had strong suspicions about the year 2020. Lots of news I have been listening to lately keep pointing to that year. I tend to read between the lines in my skeptical views. So I believe the market crash of 2008 was calculated to occur. The elite have been weakening American economy every since the year 2001 after the 9-11 twin towers incident.
Update July 10th. 2021
Well isn't this interesting! They removed the link to the actual Jon Sanchez show. H-mm, I wonder why? Well it just so happens that I have it recorded. It is completely removed from the web. Very interesting indeed. I wonder if the wayback machine has it stored. Anyway here is the recording.