Well I was listening the NPR again. According to NPR's news broadcast, Paul Ryan has said that he is not going to run for re-election. And that he is going to be enjoying being a father and raising his children instead of being a weekend only father, he will soon be a full time father. Here is the audio of the broadcast below:
Then they go on to explain that there is a shitload of Republicans that are retiring. Approximately 46 Republican Party retirements are in process! This is a major red flag in my opinion. Something strange this way comes! Could the New World Order be setting it's final capstone? Time will tell my friends, time will tell.

Michael Webb
Hello! My name is Michael Webb. I am a lifelong resident of Reno, Nevada. I'm a career warehouseman. As of 2023 I am 56 years old. On my free time I enjoy photography, videography, writing, drawing on paper, digital artwork using Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, and listening to social media, and leaving my own comments. I've never been in the higher educational system. Simply because the web has the know how for anyone interested in learning something new. All you have to do is study the available resources.You may like these posts