So let me get this picture correct. A large amount of the United States Republicans are retiring, no longer seeking re-election. And New York is showing signs of moving towards a cashless society.
Something is amiss here, something big!
Update May 14, 2018
I just checked the link I provided in the paragraph above, and it is a dead link now. This means for some strange reason The New York Times removed the article. Hm, I wonder why. Could it be that they didn't want to cause the Christian public to panic concerning a cashless society and the mark of the beast aka 666?
I checked the wayback machine website, but they never crawled the page in The New York Times site.
Anyway here is another link on another website with a story on the same subject. [link]
Update May 20, 2018
Holy shit! The second link I have provided on this subject has also been removed from the web. Un-freakin-believable! Well here is a final link from the Chicago Tribune. I am putting this link in the wayback machine. And I am going to printscreen it and save it for my records. They must have freaked out the public to be so concerned to remove the articles from the web... strange.
Chicago Tribune [link]
Update September 9, 2018
Wow! It appears they removed the Chicago Tribune link also. Something is going to happen in this country very soon. Something big. I believe I might have made an error when submitting the Chicago Tribune link into the wayback machine website. I have screenshots of the actual pages on my pc. But I believe it is against the law to post them without proper permissions from the corporate authors of the pages. Anyway the title of the article was "Tradeoff: No cash but faster lines as restaurants forgo cash" By JOYCE M. ROSENBERG Associated Press APRIL 18, 2018 1:30 PM | NEW YORK
Here is a link to the article on Joyce Rosenberg's website: [link]
I will have to submit this link into the wayback machine. Hopefully I do it correctly this time.