This morning I was listening to NPR radio's Lulu Garcia-Navarro interview with Mark Meckler. Meckler stated that the tax relief for the middle class expires in seven years, or sometime in the year 2025.
I was wondering why. Then it dawned on me. Trump is going to be re-elected for a second term. Then at 2025, the time when a new Democratic President gets elected, the tax relief will magically expire. Leaving the Democratic Party responsible for change.
**UPDATE 02/07/2024 - I just re-read this article of mine. Ha, ha! And realized I was wrong. Trump did not get re-elected. The odd thing is though it appears he may get re-elected in 2025. Isn't that odd. Well time will tell. Hind sight is always 20/20. A strange reality lingers these days.
Article on NPR's website