January 14th. 2017

For those of you that live in Nevada, I am sure that you have heard about the recent flooding that occurred in Reno Nevada on January 9th. & 10th. 2017. This has all been the cause of an atmospheric river flowing from the southwest over the Sierra Mountains to the northeast. Here is a link to our local KOLO8 news station of an article concerning this flood. [LINK]

Well because of all the panic and focus on this incident. I decided to go out on January 11th. and capture a couple of photos of the Truckee River in the downtown Reno area. This is after the rivers level had dropped. During the flood on January 9th. & 10th. the police department was advising the public to stay away from the river, which I did so. So I missed out on some epic photos of this rare event.

Luckily the Truckee River never crested at the critical flood level. In other words a terrible flood was predicted. But it never occurred. The river rose to very high levels, but it never covered any bridges. And it never overflowed into downtown Reno, like we have had occur in past floods, for example the flood of  January 1997, and the flood of February 1986.

Not only did I catch images of the river on this day. But I also took advantage of taking some images of some artwork in this area. So I have shared them for all to see.

January 11th. 2017 [Inscription located at the base of a clock donated by the Club Cal Neva Casino]

This clock is located at the cross roads of 1st. street and North Virginia street in Reno, Nevada.
According to a little research. This clock was built in the 1920's and once resided elsewhere on North Virginia Street in downtown Reno. Then it was moved to the Park Lane Mall on East Plumb Lane which opened in 1967 where it resided until the mall was shut down in December 2008 and later demolished. Once the Mall shut down the clock was transported to Boston Massachusetts to a clock restoration company and then brought back to where it resides today, in the City Plaza across from the Reno City Hall. Here is a YouTube video link about the clocks history: [LINK]

I don't know who created this artwork. But it is clearly beautiful and has old photographs behind the rectangular glass, Awesome Design!

This sculpture named: "Believe" was created for a Burning Man event by artists Laura Kimpton and Jeff Schomberg. It was later purchased for $70,000.00 by the City of Reno. The sculpture has been moved several times throughout the city. This location is supposed to be the permanent home of the sculpture. Here is a detailed and interesting story about the sculpture: [LINK]

January 11th. 2017 Looking Southward at the "Believe" sculpture with the old US Post Office in the background
This United States Post Office located at 50 South Virginia Street was built in 1933 and closed operation as a Post Office around 2012 when ownership of the building changed hands. And in 2015 the basement has been converted into an underground market of multiple vendors. This is the web site link about the new business in the basement of the old US Post Office: [LINK]
Reno Historical Web Site: [LINK]

January 11th. 2017 Facing Southeast gazing across the new Virginia Street Bridge

Completed in 2016. The new Virginia Street Bridge visually boasts a very reliable engineering design. Story: [LINK]

January 11th. 2017 View facing Westward of the Truckee River with the North Sierra Street Bridge in the background

January 11th. 2017 View facing Eastward of the Truckee River with the new Virginia Street Bridge in the background