Written: February 26, 2014

It’s all a question of belief, and of time.

There are many different levels of belief. Some people believe strongly that a god exists, and other folks lightly believe the same, and may also be more open minded to other suggestions as to why and how we all came into existence upon this planet we call Earth. Also, on the other hand Atheists believe strongly that there is no such thing as a god.

It is the strength of a belief that can be the root cause for people to do chaotic acts in their lives, and affecting others around them.

I like to assume my "in between" theory, meaning: alien beings planted us here on Earth and the aliens were assumed to be gods by our ancestors, but in reality were just extremely intelligent alien beings.

It seems that Christian beliefs are used as guidelines pointing to what are assumed as truths, even though in the long run their beliefs are proven to be false, such as in the case of The Catholic Church’s old belief about the Earth being at the center of the universe, and that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Two scientifically proven examples, of false beliefs, that once existed in the minds of men and in books, as truths.

Do you believe that one day you will die? Most adults believe it to be truth that they will die someday. And if it is an absolute fact that you will someday die. Then you can almost truthfully say, right here and now, that you are already dead. But you just don’t know it yet. It’s all a matter of time before your death becomes a reality. The only thing separating you from knowing your own death is time.

Therefore what is the difference between this state of what we call living, that we know now, and the state of being dead, which we should most likely know in the future?

What if we are really dead right now, and don’t even know it, and cannot fathom it?

Time is a very large key, in our reality.

I’ve heard that science cannot calculate the speed of the “now” meaning the real true now. Because everything our mind comprehends is of, and created by, a past-tense knowledge or memory. If we could know the absolute true now, I assume time would cease to exist. But if time ceases to exist, then what happens to the now? Maybe time only refers to past events; therefore the now is excluded from reference, and is not considered a part of time. Whoa!

So what do I mean by all these words? Well, I mean that our brains are slow, not just slow, but very slow. Maybe I should say more accurately that our senses are slow, which I assume means that our nervous system is slow also.

Have you ever watched a documentary about birds and their means of communications? The sounds they make contain much more information than we hear with our own ears. Also there are birds that can fly so quickly that the human eye cannot capture 90% of their movements. For example a species of birds called the manikin bird. Here is a video of the moon walking manikin bird:

Religious beliefs should not be used as a fixed foundation of truth or fact. All of our knowledge is a flexible tool; you can follow one philosophy one day, and change to another philosophy the next day. Knowledge and philosophy are versitile.

Nothing should be set in stone, in our minds. I think we need to keep open minds therefore allowing a flexible reality.

It seems that each person’s reality differs in many ways. For example an event in someone’s life may bring joy to that person, but the same event in another person’s life may bring sorrow to that person. Or, one person tastes a certain food and it is sweet to this person, but another person that tastes the exact same food will describe a totally different flavor than the person before. Not only do our senses differ but our memories seem to differ also. For example one individual grows up to be more intelligent than another individual. Is it a possibility that our DNA structure is the reason for all of these different realities, of differences in our senses capabilities? Or is it deeper than the DNA? Is it at the quantum level?

Knowledge is always growing, thus philosophy changes with the growth of intellect, that is, if you allow it to do so.

In my experiences, the Christian believers do not allow broad scale changes in the system of their beliefs. To them it is their way or the highway, either you believe or you don’t believe, they don’t believe in such a thing as in between. Therefore I see Christianity as a hindrance to mans growth and perfection.

If someone sets their mind to believe in only one way, such as Christians believe. Then they rob themselves of any real critical thinking, and capability of growing. They lack the will to begin creating their own philosophy of and about life. Because what they have learned in life differs from everyone around them. Following Christianitys rules causes your very being to be unknowingly enslaved, and devoted, to their own deception, which is following someone else’s beliefs that are, “in my reality” falsehoods.

It is this very kind of thinking that attracts other like-minded folks, therefore forming a mass of individuals who sometimes unknowingly have formed into a mob. And once doing so, they begin to intimidate and influence others around them to become like themselves. Thus spreading their mental disorder, and increasing their numbers. The worst part about it all is that parents more than likely influence their children to join the mob also. Did you hear about Bill Nye The Science Guy, and his statement about children being influenced by their parents to join religious beliefs? Watch this YouTube video:

Superstitious beliefs are not healthy for society in general. I seriously do not think that it is healthy for society to believe in a lie, and calling it a truth. It is a deception, and people flock to it like moths to a flame. It is my assumption that superstitious beliefs are one of the major causes of mental disorders throughout the world. Superstitions “in my opinion” are the root cause of many paranoia’s, fears, delusions, and mental breakdowns.

The very history of Christianity should speak for itself for any layman to verify that it is a devious old technique of controlling the masses. Remember the dark ages, and the inquisitions? If the people would not submit, and bow to the beliefs of the Christian peoples, they were murdered in horrifying ways.

It is my opinion at this day and age, that Christianity is designed by men, and used to control men, creating them to be gullible, obedient, and submissive citizens. This wisdom was revealed to me by a close friend, of who will remain anonymous.

It is through the influence of superstitious beliefs that multitudes can be largely managed like sheep, even more so when uneducated people are involved.

For example, look at today’s news media. Do you believe everything that is presented to you by the news media? Therefore you must realize how much power to sway the masses conscious decision making processes which the news media holds.

Have you ever sat down in front of a television and counted how many blatant lies are put into your face in the sales commercials? How many times are you told that “you need this,” and “you need that,” by the advertisement media? It is utterly sickening, and the poor children of today grow up seeing this garbage on the television today. It’s no wonder when the children grow up they don’t know what they want out of life. It’s no wonder why attention deficit disorder is skyrocketing.

In my opinion, to believe on the existence of a god, or adversely, is not what mankind should be studying. Mankind in my view is studying the knowing of one’s own personal reality, in comparison to another person’s knowledge of their own personal reality. It is almost irrelevant if a god exists or does not exist, quite simply because he, she, or it, is neither here nor there, in one perspective. The real question that needs to be revealed is, “do you really exist?” And if you do really exist, then using the scientific method, prove it.

Reality: Have you watched the movie called “The Matrix?” Well if you have, then you might know what I am getting at concerning the subject of “reality.” Here is a website that is describing the story line of The Matrix. Click this: link and read chapter #2. And here is another link, Click this: link

In this movie called “The Matrix” a discussion takes place where the character named Morpheus explains what reality is to the other character named Neo. Here is what is spoken by Morpheus.

“What is real. How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

Now you may understand what I am getting at. Our reality is not completely understood.